Sunday, September 15, 2013



Magnetic Method for Reinforcement Cover Measurement of Hardened Concrete
Magnetic  methods  may  be  used to  determine  the  location  and cover  to  reinforcement embedded in  hardened concrete.  Some  of  the  models commercially  available  in  market are  Micro-cover  meter, Pachometer, Profometer,  Fe-Depth  meter,  etc.  These equipment  are  based  on  the principle that the presence Micro-Cover Meter  of   steel  affects  the  field  of an  electromagnet.  Most  cover meters  consist  of   a  unit containing  the  power  source,  amplifier  and  meter  and  a  separate  search  unit  (probe)  containing  the electromagnet which is coupled to the main unit by a cable.
Profometer  is  a  portable,  battery operated  equipment  used  for measuring  the  depth  of   cover concrete,  location  and  size  of   the steel  reinforcement  embedded  in concrete. The equipment is useful 
for  investigating  the  structures where  drawings  are  not  available.
The  equipment  consists  of   data logger,  diameter  probe  and  depth probe and calibration block.


The equipment  has  sufficient  memory to  store  the  scanned  data.  The meter  needle  is  zeroed  and  the  probe  moved  over  the  concrete  surface,  the  probe  is moved  and  rotated to  obtain  a maximum reading  and  this  position  correspond  to  the  location  of  reinforcement  bar  (minimum cover).  It  is  used  for  (a) measuring  concrete  cover    (b)  detecting  reinforcing  bar  (c)  determining  bar  size and direction.
Reinforcement Cover Measurement Using Profometer
Fig: Reinforcement Cover Measurement Using Profometer
In  heavily  reinforced  section,  however,  the  effect  of  secondary  reinforcement  cannot  be  eliminated completely.  Nevertheless,  the  these  equipment  give  fair  idea  about  the  average  thickness  of   cover  with maximum variation of +5mm.